
Lemon Herb Sauce Recipe

If it seems like we eat entirely way too much salmon, then you’re right! It’s my husband’s favorite food, it’s super quick to cook & it’s delicious!

This week is Lance’s birthday week, so I’m making all of his favorite meals, so you know, just different variations of salmon, ha!

This is the recipe for my lemon herb sauce - it’s also delicious on other proteins & on veggies too.

This will make enough sauce for 4 portions of salmon. If you’re like us, you can make this to each on your salmon & then have some leftover to put on another meal later in the week.


What You’ll Need:

1 cup of onions chopped

2 Tbsp minced garlic

fresh or dried dill, rosemary, oregano, and thyme - play around with these or add/take away what you like!

1 Tbsp lemon juice

4 Tbsp or 1/2 stick of butter

1/2 pint of heavy cream

Salt & pepper to taste

A sauce pot & wooden spoon

Optional: grated Parmesan cheese, Maldon’s smoked salt, and cayenne pepper

after I blended the mixture, before I added the heavy cream

after I blended the mixture, before I added the heavy cream

the final results

the final results


The Method to the Madness:

First, I throw my chopped onion into the pot at medium heat with 2 Tbsp of butter. Stir this around until the onions start to get see-through.

Once the onions start to cook down & become see-through, add the rest of your butter, half of the herbs, garlic, and a pinch of salt & pepper. Turn your heat to medium-low and let the onion finish cooking down.

When the onions are done cooking down, set your heat to low and let everything cool for a few minutes.

Optional: When everything cooled a little, I took my hand mixer and blended everything in the pot until smooth. This is completely unnecessary & I did this 100% for aesthetic. If you do this, be sure to blend BEFORE adding your heavy cream so that the sauce doesn’t turn into whipped cream!

Once everything has cooled enough to not bubble up, slowly start adding your heavy cream. I like to add this 1/3 at a time and mix it into the mixture as I pour so the cream doesn’t curdle or cook.

Taste your sauce so far to see if it needs more salt/pepper or herbs & add as needed.

Lastly, add your lemon juice - stirring it in slowly as you go as not to curdle the cream.

Optional: Sometimes, I like to add grated Parmesan cheese at the end to make this sauce thicker & creamier. If you do this, make sure you’re not adding too much salt since the cheese is very salty. I add this in a pinch at a time so it heats up evenly in the sauce & doesn’t clump. My heat is always at the lowest setting when doing this. You can also add a little cayenne or Maldon’s smoked salt to add a kick to this sauce too - just a sprinkle!


At some point, I’ll post how I like to cook my salmon to get a crispy outside and a juicy inside.

Pin this photo to Pinterest to save this recipe for later & scroll down to shop my items/ingredients for this recipe.

FoodRaven McNabbfood, sauce, herb, dill, salmon